Lab Portal Updates ⚡️

We’re always enhancing Rupa. Check out our latest updates.

Order Details Page for Patients
November 11, 2022

Introducing our Order Details page for patients

We’ve designed the Order Details page as a tool to reduce admin burden on your practice. No more fielding questions from patients about orders!

Patients now receive a link to a login page where they can

  • View the status of their order
  • Download receipts and superbills
  • View their results (after you release them)

How does it work?

After you place an order and the patient completes payment, the patient receives an email with a link to their Order Details page. They can access that page by entering their last name and date of birth - no need to create an account! Once on the details page, they can view the status of their order, and download receipts, requisitions, superbills and results as the order progresses.

More Recent Updates

EPISEEK — Early Cancer Detection Test
July 11, 2024

We're so excited to announce our first early cancer detection test to come to Rupa! 🚀 EPISEEK is a liquid biopsy blood test and is able to detect circulating tumor DNA from more than 20 common cancer types as part of a comprehensive oncology workup!

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Which cancers can EPISEEK detect?

  • Lung
  • Breast
  • Prostate
  • Colorectal
  • Pancreatic
  • Head and neck
  • Urinary bladder
  • Esophageal

*The EPISEEK liquid biopsy blood test is intended to be ​used as a complementary tool to established cancer ​screening assessments.

See EPISEEK in Our Catalog
Tiny Health — First of Its Kind Lab Testing for Kids on Rupa
June 21, 2024

Tiny Health, the only stool test in the market with reference ranges specifically adapted for the newborn, infant, and toddler gut (0 to 3 years old), is now available in the Rupa Lab catalog!

All Tiny Health tests are processed in a US Based CLIA-certified and CAP-certified lab, assuring the highest quality standards! 🌟

Tiny Health Gut Health Microbiome Test_Transparent

Popular Tests

  • 💩 Gut Health Test (Baby, Child, Adult, or Pregnancy): Gives you insights on the commensal and pathogenic species in the microbiome with accurate relative abundances.

  • 🌸 Vaginal Health Test: For patient's trying to conceive, pregnant, or women trying to get to the root cause of their symptoms.

  • ⚡️ Tiny Health PRO: The comprehensive gut health test that includes microbial and stool chemistry markers to provide insights into the microbiome community balance, digestive/absorption, and inflammation from both microbiome and intestinal sources.
See Tiny Health in Our Catalog
Trends — Track your client’s lab results over time
June 13, 2024

We've heard from so many of you how time consuming it is to track your clients' results over time. So, we've been hard at work on a new feature to give you a complete view of their health journey. Introducing... 🥁

Trends — Track your client’s lab results over time.

  • 🔍 Import unlimited past results from any lab company - even ones not offered on Rupa! Simply drag and drop a PDF, we'll extract all the data for you, and then check over the extracted information.
  • 🩸 Visualize results from Rupa orders entirely automatically. Including all basic blood labs, some hormone labs, and more.
  • 🎯 Optionally set and customize Optimal Ranges to quickly spot markers that stray from the ideal.
  • 🤓 100% Free for you to use!

Trends is practitioner-only for now, but not for long! Soon, clients will be able to upload their past lab results themselves, making it easier to share their health history with you.

We can't wait to hear what you think! 🤩

Learn more about Trends
Specimen Issue Triage
April 9, 2024

Practitioners can now see and handle specimen issues right from the Dashboard.

  • We'll notify you immediately if the lab has a sample processing issue.
  • Filter to see all your delayed orders and orders requiring your action.
  • Choose how to handle the issue from easy options, including: full/partial recollection, refund, or accept the partial results.
Results Over Time
February 13, 2024

With Results Over Time, you can now automatically view the trending of blood and hormone markers for your patients at a glance!

It works with blood biomarkers from Access Medical Labs, AML drawn at Labcorp, Boston Heart, and hormone markers from ZRT and Doctor's Data - with support for more labs on the way! 

To use it, navigate to a patient's Details page. And from there, select the Results Over Time tab. That's it!

We're working on a way to import your patients’ past results from outside Rupa and we'd love to hear your use case! Take this quick survey to let us know!

Learn more about Results Over Time in our Help Center.

Documents Tab
January 24, 2024

You can now browse all the documents for a patient on their Documents page! Filter by document type, including: Result, Food Plan, or Result Summary.

Redesigned Patient Portal
January 3, 2024

Introducing a redesigned patient portal that gives your clients clear access to their testing instructions, support, and results. Stay tuned for more exciting updates coming soon. 👀

Simplify blood panel ordering with Rupa's Panel Builder
December 6, 2023

You can now easily create blood panels by searching biomarkers and comparing labs.

  • Search by Biomarkers: Effortlessly pair biomarkers like homocysteine, B12 or biomarker groupings like CBC, CMP for a comprehensive blood panel. 💪
  • Compare Labs: Easily find labs offering all selected biomarkers and compare costs, including phlebotomy fees, for informed decision-making. 🧐
  • Store Custom Panels: Create and store personalized panels for quick retrieval and future use

Listen to Dr. Kate, Rupa Health's Head of Medical Education, share her personal experience on how the panel builder has simplified her life!

Create panels
At-Home Blood Draws Just Got Simpler
December 5, 2023

Rupa Health has joined forces with Axle Health to offer a convenient mobile phlebotomy service🩸 for your patients in 17 US metro areas: Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Inland Empire, Los Angeles, Miami, Orange County, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa, Washington DC. 

What does this mean for you and your patients?

 🏡  Phlebotomy at Their Doorstep: Your patients can now schedule a skilled phlebotomist to bring their service to their home location at a time that suits their schedule.

🔄  Flexible Options: If your patients prefer not to use Axle's mobile service, Rupa will provide a list of local phlebotomy options for them to choose from.

What your patient sees during checkout

Patients can pay the $80 blood draw fee directly at checkout. This means a more streamlined experience, allowing your patients to take care of all necessary payments in one seamless transaction.

Learn more about patient phlebotomy options
Introducing a secure patient portal on Rupa Health 🔒
November 29, 2023

Your patients can now easily create a secure patient account and access all their lab information in the new Patient Portal, including:

📦 Order status, including payment, lab specimen, shipping, and results 
🧪 Requisition forms and step-by-step lab test instructions 
💬 Faster, accessible patient support
📄  Easier way to review lab test results after practitioner review 

Signing up is super easy! Your patients will be prompted to create an account when they pay for their first order and will be able to log in any time. 

Learn more about our patient experience

We love hearing from you!

If you have any feedback, feature requests, or ideas for how we can improve, please let us know. The best way for us to learn is directly from our users. 💛

Shoot us an email