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Understanding Our Body Clocks: A Key to Heart Health

Medically reviewed by 
Amitha Kalaichandran
Understanding Our Body Clocks: A Key to Heart Health

Researchers have uncovered something fascinating in a narrative review published in Circulation Research: the pattern of our daily lives, influenced by the cycle of day and night, has a big impact on our heart's health. This discovery opens up new possibilities for treating heart diseases.


Understanding the Review

The researchers analyzed how the timing of myocardial ischemia (heart attacks), heart failure progression, and the effectiveness of various treatments are influenced by our internal biological clocks. 

They focused on circadian molecular mechanisms within the heart and explored novel therapies aligned with our body's natural rhythms, such as light therapy, timing of medication (chronotherapy), and meal timings.

Key Findings

The review highlighted some fascinating insights into how our circadian rhythms affect heart health. These include:

Circadian Rhythms and Heart Attacks: The severity of heart attacks can vary based on the time of day, with morning attacks potentially being more harmful than those occurring at night.

Influence on Risk and Recovery: Our internal body clock significantly influences the risk and recovery process from cardiovascular diseases.

Light Therapy: This treatment aligns with our circadian rhythms and uses intense light to support heart health, offering a non-invasive recovery option.

Chronotherapy: This approach schedules heart disease medication according to the body's natural rhythms to enhance effectiveness and reduce side effects.

Meal Timing: Eating in sync with our circadian rhythms could improve prevention and recovery outcomes for heart diseases, emphasizing the importance of not just what we eat, but when we eat.

Personalization of Treatments: The impact of circadian rhythms on heart health varies by sex and age, suggesting that treatments may need to be customized to individual needs.

What This Means For You

  • Optimized Medication Timing: By taking heart medications in alignment with your circadian rhythms—such as blood pressure pills in the morning—you can enhance their effectiveness and minimize side effects. This mindful timing uses the natural peak and trough cycles of your body’s biological clock to improve outcomes.
  • Light Therapy for Heart Health: Regular exposure to intense light therapy can simulate the beneficial effects of natural sunlight, helping to reset your internal clock and improve heart function. This can be an easy lifestyle adjustment to incorporate into your daily routine.
  • Scheduled Meal Times: Eating your meals at consistent times that align with your circadian rhythm can help optimize heart health. For instance, having a hearty breakfast and avoiding late-night meals can reduce stress on your heart by syncing with your body’s natural metabolic cycles, thereby enhancing nutrient utilization and reducing nighttime heart strain.

Functional Lab Tests For Sleep Disturbances

Understanding your circadian rhythms and their impact on your heart might involve tracking your body's patterns or undergoing specific tests. Hormones like cortisol and melatonin follow circadian patterns, influencing cardiovascular health. Testing these levels at different times can reveal disruptions in circadian rhythms. 

Some examples of these tests offered through Rupa Health are: Diurnal Cortisol by Ayumetrix, UDH II by ZRT Laboratory and Comprehensive Melatonin Profile by Genova Diagnostics.


Key Takeaways

  • Acknowledge your body's natural rhythms for better heart health. It's not just about what you do for your heart, but when you do it.
  • Integrating light therapy into your routine could be a simple yet effective way to support your heart, aligning your body's rhythms with natural light patterns.
  • Aligning your eating and medication schedules with your circadian rhythm could enhance treatment effectiveness and protect your heart, underlining the powerful connection between your body clock and heart health.
The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement or making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.
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Lab Tests in This Article


Anderson, S. (2022, May 19). 6 Preventable Risk Factors Associated With Heart Attacks. Rupa Health.

Comprehensive Melatonin Profile by Genova Diagnostics. (n.d.). Rupa Health. Retrieved March 20, 2024, from

DePorto, T. (2022, December 9). Worried About Heart Disease? Ask Your Provider for These 6 Specialty Labs at Your Next Appointment. Rupa Health.

Diurnal Cortisol by Ayumetrix. (n.d.). Rupa Health. Retrieved March 20, 2024, from

Eckle, T., Bertazzo, J., Khatua, T. N., Reza, S., Bakhtiari, N. M., Walker, L. A., & Martino, T. A. (2024). Circadian Influences on Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury and Heart Failure. Circulation Research, 134(6), 675–694.

UDH II by ZRT Laboratory. (n.d.). Rupa Health.

Yoshimura, H. (2023, October 11). An Integrative Medicine Approach to Circadian Rhythm Disorders. Rupa Health.

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