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Nutritional Support for Optimal Methylation: A Guide for Functional Medicine

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Methylation is a critical process in our bodies, directly linked to our genetic health, and crucial in preventing chronic diseases and regulating hormonal balance. In functional medicine, one focus for practitioners is how diet directly impacts this process. 

This article examines the role of specific nutrients in enhancing methylation and their importance in maintaining overall health. Understanding this link between nutrition and methylation is key to developing personalized health strategies and effective disease prevention.


What is the Methylation Process and How Does it Affect Our Health?

Methylation is a fundamental process in our bodies, essential for maintaining good health. At its core, methylation involves adding a methyl group – a small chemical cluster – to our DNA. This doesn't change the DNA's structure but significantly influences which genes are active or inactive. Think of it as a switch that turns genes on or off, crucially affecting how our cells function.

The implications of methylation on health are significant. It's involved in DNA expression, the detoxification process, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters. When methylation pathways are impaired, it can lead to serious health consequences. For example, it increases the likelihood of chronic diseases, impacts neurological health, and contributes to hormonal imbalances (32). 

In conditions like cancer, methylation functions as a protective mechanism by suppressing genes that could lead to tumor growth. However, in cancer cells, this process can malfunction, leading to the growth and spread of tumors. Methylation irregularities are also associated with cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, and autoimmune diseases (32). 

Lifestyle factors, particularly diet and physical activity, have a substantial impact on methylation. Nutritional choices and exercise can positively influence this process. Environmental factors, including exposure to toxins and lifestyle habits like smoking, also play a role in methylation. This underscores the importance of lifestyle choices in maintaining genetic health (32). 

Overall, methylation is a critical biological process that links our genetic makeup to our environment and lifestyle. It is essential for proper gene regulation and maintaining health, highlighting the significance of lifestyle in influencing our genetic well-being.

Key Nutrients Involved in Methylation

Nutrition significantly influences our health, especially through its role in DNA methylation, a crucial mechanism for gene regulation. Several key nutrients are integral to this process, each contributing uniquely to maintaining and regulating our genetic code.

Folate, an essential B vitamin, is pivotal for DNA synthesis and repair. It facilitates the creation of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), the primary methyl donor in the body. Choline, another vital nutrient, supports not just methylation but also liver function, brain development, and muscle movement. Methionine, an amino acid, is crucial for producing SAM and overall methylation processes.

Other important B vitamins include riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B12, and vitamin B6. These work in conjunction with folate in the one-carbon metabolism pathway, essential for DNA methylation. Betaine, often grouped with the B vitamins, is involved in converting homocysteine to methionine, a key process for maintaining healthy homocysteine levels and preventing cardiovascular diseases (10,16). 

These nutrients are linked to various health aspects across different life stages. Adequate levels of folate, vitamin B12, and other related nutrients are crucial for reducing DNA damage risk and, subsequently, cancer. In cardiovascular health, they aid in managing homocysteine levels, and reducing heart disease risk (10,16). 

The nutritional status of individuals, especially regarding these key micronutrients, can significantly impact health. As discussed, diet-influenced changes in DNA methylation patterns have been observed in diseases like cancer, neurological diseases, and autoimmune diseases. This highlights the potential of diet and nutrition in disease prevention and management (10,16). 

Functional Medicine Testing for Nutrition and Methylation Status 

In functional medicine, several tests are utilized to assess methylation status, guiding personalized nutritional interventions for optimal health.

The Homocysteine test by Access Med Labs is a crucial assessment tool. Elevated levels of homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood, can indicate methylation issues and are linked to increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. This test is particularly beneficial for individuals at risk for heart disease or those with a family history of cardiovascular issues. By identifying elevated homocysteine levels, healthcare providers can recommend specific dietary interventions, such as increased intake of folate, vitamin B12, and B6, which are key nutrients in lowering homocysteine levels through methylation.

SpectraCell Laboratories offers the Micronutrient Test, which evaluates levels of various nutrients that play a significant role in the methylation process. This includes vitamins B12, B6, and folate. Understanding an individual's micronutrient profile is essential, especially in cases where there might be deficiencies impacting methylation pathways. This test is useful for individuals with dietary restrictions or those experiencing symptoms that could be related to nutrient deficiencies.

The DNA Methylation test by Doctor’s Data screens for genetic changes that may impact critical biochemical processes such as methionine metabolism, detoxification, and hormone balance. It is an informative test for individuals experiencing symptoms related to these pathways or those with a family history of related conditions. 

Lastly, the Methylation Panel by Genova Diagnostics assesses methylation metabolites and genetic SNPs to reveal a patient's nutritional support needs. This test is particularly useful for understanding a wide range of symptoms, from mood disorders to chronic fatigue. It guides healthcare providers in recommending dietary and supplementation strategies to enhance methylation efficiency.

Each of these tests provides valuable insights, helping to tailor nutritional strategies that support methylation and overall health, ensuring that interventions are precise and effective for each individual’s unique needs.

Dietary Sources of Methylation Nutrients

To support methylation, incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods into one's diet is key. Foods rich in methylation-supportive nutrients not only promote overall well-being but also specifically aid in this crucial biochemical process.

Folate is abundant in leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts. Legumes, such as lentils and chickpeas, are also excellent sources. Including these vegetables and legumes in salads, stews, or as sides can significantly boost folate intake (21). 

Choline, another essential nutrient for methylation, is found in eggs, particularly in the yolks. Liver, notably chicken liver, is another rich source. For vegetarians, Brussels sprouts and broccoli are good options. Incorporating eggs into breakfast routines or as part of a salad, and adding liver to occasional meals, can enhance choline intake.

Methionine is predominantly found in animal proteins like fish, poultry, and beef. Nuts and seeds, especially sesame seeds and Brazil nuts, are great plant-based sources. Regular consumption of a balanced mix of these proteins can ensure adequate methionine levels.

B vitamins, including riboflavin (B2), vitamin B12, and vitamin B6, are crucial for methylation. 

Whole grains, milk, and dairy products are rich in riboflavin. Vitamin B12 is primarily found in animal products, such as meat, fish, and dairy. Vitamin B6 sources include poultry, fish, potatoes, and non-citrus fruits. A balanced diet incorporating whole grains, lean meats, fish, and dairy can provide these essential B vitamins (21). 

Betaine sources include wheat germ, spinach, beets, and shellfish. Adding roasted beets to salads or using wheat germ in a yogurt or smoothie topping can be simple ways to include betaine in meals.

Ensuring a diet rich in these foods can promote effective methylation processes in the body. It's important to strive for a varied and balanced diet, integrating these food groups regularly to support overall health and methylation.

Individual Variations in Nutrient Needs 

Individual variations play a significant role in nutrient needs for optimal methylation, highlighting the importance of personalized nutritional strategies in functional medicine. Genetic variations, lifestyle factors, and specific health conditions all contribute to these individual differences.

Genetic variations, particularly in genes involved in the methylation process, can significantly affect an individual's nutrient requirements. For instance, variants in the MTHFR gene can impact how efficiently the body processes folate. Individuals with these variations may need higher amounts of methylfolate, a more bioavailable form of folate, to support proper methylation. 

Lifestyle factors including diet, stress, alcohol consumption, and exposure to environmental toxins also influence methylation nutrient needs. A diet lacking in methylation-supportive nutrients like B vitamins, choline, and methionine can lead to suboptimal methylation. Stress and exposure to toxins can increase the body's demand for these nutrients, as they play a role in detoxification and stress response processes (33). 

Health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, and pregnancy also alter nutrient needs. For example, conditions associated with increased levels of homocysteine may require enhanced intake of folate, B12, and B6 to support the conversion of homocysteine to methionine, reducing cardiovascular risk.

In functional medicine, individual assessments are key to developing personalized nutritional strategies. These assessments can include genetic testing, evaluation of lifestyle factors, and analysis of current health conditions. By understanding these individual variations, healthcare providers can tailor dietary and supplement recommendations to effectively support methylation and overall health, ensuring that each patient receives the most appropriate and effective care for their unique needs.

Supplementing for Methylation Support

Supplementing for methylation support becomes essential when dietary intake falls short or certain health conditions require additional nutrients. In these cases, supplements can play a crucial role in providing the necessary methylation nutrients.

Folate supplements are often recommended, especially in the form of methylfolate, which is a more bioavailable form compared to folic acid found in many multivitamins. This is particularly important for individuals with MTHFR gene variations, as they may have difficulties converting folic acid to its active form. The typical dosage for methylfolate varies but is often around 400 mcg per day.

Choline supplementation can benefit individuals who do not consume enough choline-rich foods. Phosphatidylcholine is a common supplemental form. Standard dosages range from 400 to 550 mg per day. For pregnant women or those with liver conditions, choline supplementation can be especially important (5). 

For methionine, supplements are generally not necessary for those with a balanced diet but can be considered in specific circumstances under medical guidance. It's important to note that excessive methionine can lead to an increased level of homocysteine, a risk factor for heart disease.

B vitamin supplements, including B2, B6, and B12, are widely available. B12 supplementation is particularly important for vegetarians and vegans, as it's primarily found in animal products. Dosages can vary, with B12 often recommended at 2.4 mcg per day.

Betaine, also known as trimethylglycine, can be supplemented, especially for individuals with high homocysteine levels. Typical dosages range from 500 to 2000 mg per day.

When considering supplements, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage and form, considering any potential interactions with existing medications or health conditions. Supplements should complement, not replace, a balanced diet for methylation support.

Implementing Nutritional Strategies in Clinical Practice 

In clinical practice, implementing nutritional strategies for methylation support involves a collaborative approach, engaging dietitians, healthcare providers, and patients. This teamwork is vital for tailoring dietary plans to individual needs and effectively monitoring progress.

Patient education is the cornerstone of the clinical implementation of methylation nutrition. It involves informing patients about the role of nutrients like folate, choline, methionine, B vitamins, and betaine in methylation and overall health. Educating patients on food sources rich in these nutrients and how to incorporate them into their daily diet is crucial. For patients with dietary restrictions or specific health concerns, alternative sources or supplementation options should be discussed.

Monitoring progress is essential in evaluating the effectiveness of the nutritional strategy. This can include tracking dietary changes, assessing symptom improvements, and conducting regular blood tests to monitor levels of homocysteine and other relevant biomarkers. Adjustments to the nutritional plan should be made based on these observations and patient feedback.

Adjusting plans as needed is a continuous process. As patients' health conditions change or as they report any new symptoms, their dietary plans may require modification. This is where the collaborative effort between dietitians and healthcare providers plays a critical role. They can work together to modify the nutritional approach, ensuring it aligns with the patient’s overall health plan and medication regimen.


Nutritional Support for Optimal Methylation: Key Takeaways

Methylation, a critical process for gene regulation and overall health, is profoundly influenced by nutrition. Functional medicine highlights the significance of comprehensive nutrition for methylation, emphasizing the need for a diet rich in specific nutrients like folate, choline, methionine, and B vitamins. Individual variations due to genetic factors, lifestyle, and health conditions necessitate personalized nutritional strategies. Implementing these strategies requires collaboration between healthcare providers and patients, focusing on patient education, regular monitoring, and adjustments to dietary plans. This individualized approach ensures effective methylation support, catering to each person’s unique nutritional needs and health goals.

Methylation is a critical process in our bodies, linked to our genetic health, and plays a role in maintaining overall well-being. In functional medicine, one focus for practitioners is how diet may impact this process. 

This article examines the role of specific nutrients in supporting methylation and their importance in maintaining overall health. Understanding this link between nutrition and methylation is key to developing personalized health strategies.


What is the Methylation Process and How Does it Affect Our Health?

Methylation is a fundamental process in our bodies, essential for maintaining good health. At its core, methylation involves adding a methyl group – a small chemical cluster – to our DNA. This doesn't change the DNA's structure but significantly influences which genes are active or inactive. Think of it as a switch that turns genes on or off, crucially affecting how our cells function.

The implications of methylation on health are significant. It's involved in DNA expression, the detoxification process, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters. When methylation pathways are impaired, it can lead to health challenges. For example, it may increase the likelihood of chronic diseases, impact neurological health, and contribute to hormonal imbalances (32). 

In conditions like cancer, methylation functions as a protective mechanism by influencing genes that could affect cell growth. However, in cancer cells, this process can malfunction, potentially affecting cell growth. Methylation irregularities are also associated with cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, and autoimmune diseases (32). 

Lifestyle factors, particularly diet and physical activity, may have a substantial impact on methylation. Nutritional choices and exercise can positively influence this process. Environmental factors, including exposure to toxins and lifestyle habits like smoking, also play a role in methylation. This underscores the importance of lifestyle choices in maintaining genetic health (32). 

Overall, methylation is a critical biological process that links our genetic makeup to our environment and lifestyle. It is essential for proper gene regulation and maintaining health, highlighting the significance of lifestyle in influencing our genetic well-being.

Key Nutrients Involved in Methylation

Nutrition significantly influences our health, especially through its role in DNA methylation, a crucial mechanism for gene regulation. Several key nutrients are integral to this process, each contributing uniquely to maintaining and regulating our genetic code.

Folate, an essential B vitamin, is pivotal for DNA synthesis and repair. It facilitates the creation of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), the primary methyl donor in the body. Choline, another vital nutrient, supports not just methylation but also liver function, brain development, and muscle movement. Methionine, an amino acid, is crucial for producing SAM and overall methylation processes.

Other important B vitamins include riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B12, and vitamin B6. These work in conjunction with folate in the one-carbon metabolism pathway, essential for DNA methylation. Betaine, often grouped with the B vitamins, is involved in converting homocysteine to methionine, a key process for maintaining healthy homocysteine levels (10,16). 

These nutrients are linked to various health aspects across different life stages. Adequate levels of folate, vitamin B12, and other related nutrients are crucial for supporting DNA integrity. In cardiovascular health, they aid in managing homocysteine levels (10,16). 

The nutritional status of individuals, especially regarding these key micronutrients, can significantly impact health. As discussed, diet-influenced changes in DNA methylation patterns have been observed in various health conditions. This highlights the potential of diet and nutrition in supporting health management (10,16). 

Functional Medicine Testing for Nutrition and Methylation Status 

In functional medicine, several tests are utilized to assess methylation status, guiding personalized nutritional interventions for optimal health.

The Homocysteine test by Access Med Labs is a crucial assessment tool. Elevated levels of homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood, can indicate methylation issues and are linked to increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. This test is particularly beneficial for individuals at risk for heart disease or those with a family history of cardiovascular issues. By identifying elevated homocysteine levels, healthcare providers can recommend specific dietary interventions, such as increased intake of folate, vitamin B12, and B6, which are key nutrients in supporting healthy homocysteine levels through methylation.

SpectraCell Laboratories offers the Micronutrient Test, which evaluates levels of various nutrients that play a significant role in the methylation process. This includes vitamins B12, B6, and folate. Understanding an individual's micronutrient profile is essential, especially in cases where there might be deficiencies impacting methylation pathways. This test is useful for individuals with dietary restrictions or those experiencing symptoms that could be related to nutrient deficiencies.

The DNA Methylation test by Doctor’s Data screens for genetic changes that may impact critical biochemical processes such as methionine metabolism, detoxification, and hormone balance. It is an informative test for individuals experiencing symptoms related to these pathways or those with a family history of related conditions. 

Lastly, the Methylation Panel by Genova Diagnostics assesses methylation metabolites and genetic SNPs to reveal a patient's nutritional support needs. This test is particularly useful for understanding a wide range of symptoms, from mood disorders to chronic fatigue. It guides healthcare providers in recommending dietary and supplementation strategies to enhance methylation efficiency.

Each of these tests provides valuable insights, helping to tailor nutritional strategies that support methylation and overall health, ensuring that interventions are precise and effective for each individual’s unique needs.

Dietary Sources of Methylation Nutrients

To support methylation, incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods into one's diet is key. Foods rich in methylation-supportive nutrients not only promote overall well-being but also specifically aid in this crucial biochemical process.

Folate is abundant in leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts. Legumes, such as lentils and chickpeas, are also excellent sources. Including these vegetables and legumes in salads, stews, or as sides can significantly boost folate intake (21). 

Choline, another essential nutrient for methylation, is found in eggs, particularly in the yolks. Liver, notably chicken liver, is another rich source. For vegetarians, Brussels sprouts and broccoli are good options. Incorporating eggs into breakfast routines or as part of a salad, and adding liver to occasional meals, can enhance choline intake.

Methionine is predominantly found in animal proteins like fish, poultry, and beef. Nuts and seeds, especially sesame seeds and Brazil nuts, are great plant-based sources. Regular consumption of a balanced mix of these proteins can help maintain adequate methionine levels.

B vitamins, including riboflavin (B2), vitamin B12, and vitamin B6, are crucial for methylation. 

Whole grains, milk, and dairy products are rich in riboflavin. Vitamin B12 is primarily found in animal products, such as meat, fish, and dairy. Vitamin B6 sources include poultry, fish, potatoes, and non-citrus fruits. A balanced diet incorporating whole grains, lean meats, fish, and dairy can provide these essential B vitamins (21). 

Betaine sources include wheat germ, spinach, beets, and shellfish. Adding roasted beets to salads or using wheat germ in a yogurt or smoothie topping can be simple ways to include betaine in meals.

Ensuring a diet rich in these foods can support effective methylation processes in the body. It's important to strive for a varied and balanced diet, integrating these food groups regularly to support overall health and methylation.

Individual Variations in Nutrient Needs 

Individual variations play a significant role in nutrient needs for optimal methylation, highlighting the importance of personalized nutritional strategies in functional medicine. Genetic variations, lifestyle factors, and specific health conditions all contribute to these individual differences.

Genetic variations, particularly in genes involved in the methylation process, can significantly affect an individual's nutrient requirements. For instance, variants in the MTHFR gene can impact how efficiently the body processes folate. Individuals with these variations may need higher amounts of methylfolate, a more bioavailable form of folate, to support proper methylation. 

Lifestyle factors including diet, stress, alcohol consumption, and exposure to environmental toxins also influence methylation nutrient needs. A diet lacking in methylation-supportive nutrients like B vitamins, choline, and methionine can lead to suboptimal methylation. Stress and exposure to toxins can increase the body's demand for these nutrients, as they play a role in detoxification and stress response processes (33). 

Health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, and pregnancy also alter nutrient needs. For example, conditions associated with increased levels of homocysteine may require enhanced intake of folate, B12, and B6 to support the conversion of homocysteine to methionine.

In functional medicine, individual assessments are key to developing personalized nutritional strategies. These assessments can include genetic testing, evaluation of lifestyle factors, and analysis of current health conditions. By understanding these individual variations, healthcare providers can tailor dietary and supplement recommendations to effectively support methylation and overall health, ensuring that each patient receives the most appropriate and effective care for their unique needs.

Supplementing for Methylation Support

Supplementing for methylation support becomes essential when dietary intake falls short or certain health conditions require additional nutrients. In these cases, supplements can play a crucial role in providing the necessary methylation nutrients.

Folate supplements are often considered, especially in the form of methylfolate, which is a more bioavailable form compared to folic acid found in many multivitamins. This is particularly important for individuals with MTHFR gene variations, as they may have difficulties converting folic acid to its active form. The typical dosage for methylfolate varies but is often around 400 mcg per day.

Choline supplementation can benefit individuals who do not consume enough choline-rich foods. Phosphatidylcholine is a common supplemental form. Standard dosages range from 400 to 550 mg per day. For pregnant women or those with liver conditions, choline supplementation can be especially important (5). 

For methionine, supplements are generally not necessary for those with a balanced diet but can be considered in specific circumstances under medical guidance. It's important to note that excessive methionine can lead to an increased level of homocysteine, a risk factor for heart disease.

B vitamin supplements, including B2, B6, and B12, are widely available. B12 supplementation is particularly important for vegetarians and vegans, as it's primarily found in animal products. Dosages can vary, with B12 often recommended at 2.4 mcg per day.

Betaine, also known as trimethylglycine, can be supplemented, especially for individuals with high homocysteine levels. Typical dosages range from 500 to 2000 mg per day.

When considering supplements, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage and form, considering any potential interactions with existing medications or health conditions. Supplements should complement, not replace, a balanced diet for methylation support.

Implementing Nutritional Strategies in Clinical Practice 

In clinical practice, implementing nutritional strategies for methylation support involves a collaborative approach, engaging dietitians, healthcare providers, and patients. This teamwork is vital for tailoring dietary plans to individual needs and effectively monitoring progress.

Patient education is the cornerstone of the clinical implementation of methylation nutrition. It involves informing patients about the role of nutrients like folate, choline, methionine, B vitamins, and betaine in methylation and overall health. Educating patients on food sources rich in these nutrients and how to incorporate them into their daily diet is crucial. For patients with dietary restrictions or specific health concerns, alternative sources or supplementation options should be discussed.

Monitoring progress is essential in evaluating the effectiveness of the nutritional strategy. This can include tracking dietary changes, assessing symptom improvements, and conducting regular blood tests to monitor levels of homocysteine and other relevant biomarkers. Adjustments to the nutritional plan should be made based on these observations and patient feedback.

Adjusting plans as needed is a continuous process. As patients' health conditions change or as they report any new symptoms, their dietary plans may require modification. This is where the collaborative effort between dietitians and healthcare providers plays a critical role. They can work together to modify the nutritional approach, ensuring it aligns with the patient’s overall health plan and medication regimen.


Nutritional Support for Optimal Methylation: Key Takeaways

Methylation, a critical process for gene regulation and overall health, is influenced by nutrition. Functional medicine highlights the significance of comprehensive nutrition for methylation, emphasizing the need for a diet rich in specific nutrients like folate, choline, methionine, and B vitamins. Individual variations due to genetic factors, lifestyle, and health conditions necessitate personalized nutritional strategies. Implementing these strategies requires collaboration between healthcare providers and patients, focusing on patient education, regular monitoring, and adjustments to dietary plans. This individualized approach aims to support effective methylation, catering to each person’s unique nutritional needs and health goals.

The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement or making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.
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National Cancer Institute
Government Authority
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World Health Organization (WHO)
Government Authority
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The Journal of Pediatrics
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Government Authority
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Office of Dietary Supplements
Government Authority
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National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
Government Authority
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National Institutes of Health
Government Authority
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Clinical Infectious Diseases
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Journal of Rheumatology
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Peer Reviewed Journal
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The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Kidney International
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Annals of Surgery
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Peer Reviewed Journal
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Peer Reviewed Journal
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The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The American Journal of Psychiatry
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Diabetes Care
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Peer Reviewed Journal
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JAMA Internal Medicine
Peer Reviewed Journal
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PLOS Medicine
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Annals of Internal Medicine
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Nature Medicine
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The BMJ (British Medical Journal)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Lancet
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Comprehensive biomedical database
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Educational/Medical Institution
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Cleveland Clinic
Educational/Medical Institution
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Mayo Clinic
Educational/Medical Institution
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The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Johns Hopkins
Educational/Medical Institution
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