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Using Acupuncture for Chronic Pain Management

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Using Acupuncture for Chronic Pain Management

Impacting over 20% of Americans, chronic pain is a pervasive and complex issue that significantly affects patients' quality of life. Conventional treatments such as medications and physical therapy may relieve some, but many individuals continue to seek alternative methods to manage their pain more effectively. Acupuncture, an ancient practice from Traditional Chinese Medicine, has emerged as a promising complementary therapy for chronic pain management. By targeting specific points in the body and stimulating the nervous system, acupuncture can offer a more holistic approach to pain relief, addressing the physical symptoms and the emotional and psychological factors contributing to chronic pain. This integrative method can provide a comprehensive and effective way of managing chronic pain, improving overall well-being and quality of life for those affected.


What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture, an age-old technique rooted in Chinese tradition, involves the insertion of slender needles into designated points on the body. This practice is centered around the idea of Qi, the life force that circulates throughout the body. The goal is to harmonize Qi flow and foster overall wellness. Acupuncture has recently gained traction as an auxiliary therapy for various health issues, including chronic pain. However, it is vital to consult a certified acupuncturist to guarantee safe and effective treatment when using acupuncture. Licensed acupuncturists have undergone rigorous advance level medical  training and abide by stringent safety and cleanliness standards, ensuring patients receive the highest caliber of care.

What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is a persistent and complex medical condition that affects a significant portion of the global population. Unlike acute pain, which typically arises from an identifiable injury and resolves over time, chronic pain persists for an extended period, often lasting for months or even years. It can profoundly impact an individual's daily life, overall well-being, and ability to perform routine tasks.

The underlying causes of chronic pain can be varied and sometimes difficult to pinpoint. Additionally, chronic pain can manifest in various forms, such as headaches, back pain, joint pain, or widespread pain throughout the body. Due to the diverse nature of chronic pain, diagnosing and treating the condition can be challenging. Chronic pain is believed to result from a combination of factors, including physical or psychological illnesses. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for chronic pain, a combination of medical interventions, lifestyle modifications, and complementary therapies like acupuncture can help manage symptoms and improve the quality of life for those affected.

Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture is a promising alternative therapy, with numerous studies indicating its potential effectiveness in treating various conditions. To ensure the best possible experience and outcome, those considering acupuncture as a complementary therapy should seek treatment from a licensed acupuncturist with extensive training and adherence to strict safety and hygiene protocols. This approach guarantees the highest quality of care and reduces the risk of potential complications.

Acupuncture Benefits for Chronic Pain

Research on the benefits of acupuncture for chronic pain management has demonstrated promising results in various studies. These investigations have shown that acupuncture can provide relief for different types of chronic pain, such as lower back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and tension headaches, among others. Acupuncture is thought to function by stimulating the body's natural pain-relief mechanisms, which include the release of endorphins and the modulation of the nervous system. Additionally, acupuncture may also help reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation, further contributing to its potential pain-relieving effects. It is important to recognize that the effectiveness of acupuncture for chronic pain may vary depending on factors such as the individual's unique circumstances and the specific condition being treated.

One of the key advantages of acupuncture as a complementary therapy is its safety profile, especially when compared to the long-term use of pain medications. Traditional pain relief medications can lead to adverse side effects, such as gastrointestinal issues, liver damage, and kidney dysfunction, as well as the risk of dependency and addiction. In contrast, acupuncture is a non-pharmacological approach with minimal side effects when administered by a qualified practitioner, making it an appealing option for those seeking alternative or supplementary pain management strategies.

Possible Causes of Chronic Pain in Patients

While there may be numerous causes for chronic pain, below are some of the most common.

Musculoskeletal Issues

Musculoskeletal problems, including injuries to muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints, can be significant sources of chronic pain. Conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia can lead to persistent pain and inflammation in various body areas.

Nerve Damage

Nerve damage, or neuropathic pain, can be caused by various factors, including injuries, infections, and chronic diseases like diabetes. This type of pain can manifest as burning, tingling, or shooting sensations. Functional medicine aims to identify and address potential root causes of nerve damage, such as poor blood sugar control, nutrient deficiencies, and chronic inflammation.


Inflammation is a natural response of the immune system to injury or infection. However, when inflammation becomes chronic, it can contribute to persistent pain. Conditions like autoimmune diseases, allergies, and chronic infections can lead to ongoing inflammation in the body. Functional medicine focuses on reducing inflammation through lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and targeted supplementation.


Chronic infections, such as Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses, can cause ongoing pain in muscles, joints, and nerves. Functional medicine practitioners may use a combination of antimicrobial therapies, immune support, and detoxification strategies to address chronic infections and their associated pain.

Stress and Emotional Factors

Stress and emotional factors can contribute to the development and persistence of chronic pain. High stress levels can exacerbate inflammation and increase muscle tension, leading to pain. Functional medicine practitioners often incorporate stress management techniques and psychological support as part of a comprehensive pain management plan.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances can contribute to chronic pain in various ways. For instance, imbalances in estrogen and progesterone can cause or worsen conditions like endometriosis. Functional medicine practitioners may assess and address hormonal imbalances through targeted supplementation, dietary modifications, and stress management techniques.

Functional Medicine Specialty Labs for Root Cause of Chronic Pain

Getting to the root cause can help practitioners develop individualized treatment plans. Below are some helpful labs to help uncover the underlying issues. Not every test will be necessary for every individual. However, a knowledgeable practitioner can help pinpoint the most appropriate tests based on an individual's signs, symptoms, and medical history.

hs-CRP Marker for Chronic Pain

The hs-CRP marker assesses high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), an inflammation marker with higher sensitivity than standard CRP. Testing hs-CRP levels is important for individuals experiencing chronic pain, as elevated hs-CRP is linked to inflammation in the body. This test tracks inflammation levels and measures the success of treatments targeting inflammation reduction.

Arthritis Panel for Chronic Pain

Access Medical Laboratories offers the Arthritis Panel, a blood test that examines multiple markers linked to inflammation and autoimmune processes in arthritis. This panel is valuable for individuals experiencing chronic pain due to arthritis. Identifying and addressing the root inflammation and autoimmune processes enables targeted treatments to manage arthritis symptoms and improve the quality of life.

Stool Testing for Chronic Pain

The GI-MAP test by Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory is useful for assessing gut health, especially for those experiencing chronic pain associated with gastrointestinal issues. Imbalances in the microbiome and inflammation can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, and irregular bowel movements. By analyzing stool samples for various markers of gastrointestinal health, including inflammation and potential immune dysfunction, the GI-MAP test can help identify imbalances and areas for targeted treatment, ultimately improving the quality of life.

Adrenocortex Stress Profile for Chronic Pain

The Adrenocortex Stress Profile by Genova Diagnostics is a thorough assessment designed to evaluate adrenal function and stress hormone levels, which can influence chronic pain. This test measures key hormones, such as cortisol and DHEA, which play crucial roles in the stress response, immune function, and energy regulation.


Conventional Treatment for Chronic Pain

Conventional treatment of chronic pain includes a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches to manage pain symptoms and improve overall functionality. Pharmacological interventions often involve over-the-counter pain relievers, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or acetaminophen, as well as stronger medications like opioids or antidepressants, depending on the severity and type of pain. Non-pharmacological treatments encompass a wide range of options, such as physical therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, and exercise programs. These approaches work together to address the multifaceted nature of chronic pain, promoting healing and providing long-term relief for patients.

Natural Treatments for Chronic Pain in Functional Medicine

There are many natural treatments available to help resolve the root causes of chronic pain. Below are some of the top treatments that functional medicine practitioners recommend:

Musculoskeletal Health Support

Functional medicine approaches for addressing musculoskeletal issues involve identifying and treating underlying nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, and hormonal imbalances. Incorporating anti-inflammatory diets, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, can help reduce inflammation and support musculoskeletal health. Supplements like glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM may be beneficial for joint health, while targeted physical therapy can help improve flexibility and strength.

Neuropathic Pain Management

Functional medicine practitioners aim to identify and address root causes for nerve damage-related pain, such as poor blood sugar control, nutrient deficiencies, and chronic inflammation. Dietary changes to improve blood sugar control, supplementation with vitamins B1, B6, B12, and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), and anti-inflammatory treatments can help support nerve health and alleviate neuropathic pain.

Inflammation Reduction

To reduce chronic inflammation, functional medicine focuses on lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and targeted supplementation. Incorporating a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods, like berries, leafy greens, and fatty fish, can help reduce inflammation. Additionally, supplements such as curcumin, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D can support the body's natural anti-inflammatory processes.

Addressing Chronic Infections

Functional medicine practitioners may use a combination of antimicrobial therapies, immune support, and detoxification strategies to address chronic infections and their associated pain. This may involve targeted antibiotic or antiviral treatments, as well as natural immune-boosting supplements like echinacea and vitamin C.

Stress and Emotional Support

Incorporating stress management techniques and psychological support is crucial in addressing chronic pain. Practitioners may recommend mindfulness meditation, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), biofeedback, or other relaxation techniques to help patients manage stress, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate pain.

Balancing Hormones

Addressing hormonal imbalances is an essential component of functional medicine treatment for chronic pain. Practitioners may assess and address these imbalances through targeted supplementation, dietary modifications, and stress management techniques. Supplements like chasteberry and maca may help balance hormones, while lifestyle interventions like regular exercise, proper sleep hygiene, and stress reduction can support overall hormonal health.

Find an Acupuncturist Near Me

Searching for a skilled chronic pain acupuncturist is a key step in managing your pain effectively. Start by exploring reliable directories. Consult the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) directory, which includes certified practitioners affiliated with the organization. It's advisable to find an acupuncturist who is also an herbalist, as herbal remedies can significantly contribute to addressing chronic pain. Search for an acupuncturist with a background in pain management to ensure they have the required expertise in handling pain-related issues.

When discussing your prospective acupuncturist's education, credentials, and experience, specifically ask about their familiarity with chronic pain treatments. Make sure they have a comprehensive understanding of chronic pain issues and experience working with patients facing similar challenges. Verify that the acupuncturist uses single-use needles and adheres to appropriate safety procedures to reduce the risk of infection.

Inquire about the costs of treatment, including acupuncture sessions, herbal remedies, and any other services they might suggest. This information will help you plan your budget and determine if their fees are compatible with your financial limitations. Request recommendations and references from your primary healthcare provider, friends, or family members who have received similar treatments. Personal referrals offer valuable information about a practitioner's quality of care and patient interactions.



Acupuncture for chronic pain is an age-old practice that has seen a resurgence in modern times as an adjunct therapy for those struggling with ongoing discomfort. Numerous individuals worldwide have reaped the benefits of this all-encompassing method, which aims to reestablish balance and mitigate pain. Integrating chronic pain acupuncture with standard treatments allows patients to manage their pain better while boosting overall wellness. Early consultation with a certified acupuncturist can aid in detecting possible imbalances, facilitate personalized treatment and improve pain management outcomes. By embracing a well-rounded approach that blends both conventional and alternative modalities, individuals can effectively navigate the intricacies of chronic pain and enhance their daily living experience.

The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement or making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.
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Lab Tests in This Article

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