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Androsterone, a key metabolite of testosterone and other androgens, plays a significant role in the intricate landscape of endocrinology. This steroid hormone, produced predominantly in the adrenal glands and gonads, serves as a crucial indicator of androgen metabolism and hormonal balance within the body. 

Understanding androsterone aids clinicians in diagnosing and managing a spectrum of hormonal disorders, ranging from adrenal dysfunction to conditions of androgen excess or deficiency. 

Accurate testing and interpretation of androsterone levels provide clinicians with valuable insights into patients' endocrine health, guiding personalized treatment strategies and improving overall patient care.

What is Androsterone?

Definition and Chemical Structure of Androsterone

Androsterone is a steroid hormone belonging to the group of androgens, or male sex hormones.  Chemically, it is a metabolite of testosterone and other androgens, produced through the metabolic conversion of these hormones.  17-OH progesterone can also be converted to androsterone, thereby entering the androgenic pathway.

Structurally, androsterone is characterized by a ketone group at the C17 position and a hydroxyl group at the C3 position, contributing to its biological activity. This chemical structure distinguishes androsterone from testosterone and other androgens, granting it unique physiological properties and functions within the body.

Androsterone in the Body

As a metabolite of testosterone and other androgens, androsterone is a marker of androgen metabolism and activity. 

While androsterone exhibits weaker androgenic activity compared to testosterone, it still contributes to androgenic effects in target tissues. 

Androsterone, a metabolite of testosterone and other androgens, serves various physiological functions in the body. It plays a role in the regulation of secondary sexual characteristics, influencing traits such as body hair growth, muscle mass development, and voice deepening during puberty. Additionally, androsterone contributes to the maintenance of bone density and overall bone health, impacting skeletal development and strength.

As a key intermediate in androgen metabolism, androsterone regulates the balance of androgenic hormones within the body. It is involved in the conversion of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to their respective metabolites, modulating the overall androgenic activity. 

Androsterone also interacts with androgen receptors in target tissues, mediating androgenic effects such as stimulation of protein synthesis, promotion of muscle growth, and regulation of libido and sexual function.

The regulation of androsterone production involves intricate feedback mechanisms involving hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axes, ensuring hormonal balance and homeostasis in the body.

How to Measure Androsterone Levels: Laboratory Testing Methods

Overview of Laboratory Methods for Measuring Androsterone Levels

Several laboratory methods are used to measure androsterone levels, including immunoassays and mass spectrometry techniques. 

Immunoassays, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), offer simplicity and rapid results, although they may lack the specificity and accuracy required for precise measurements. 

On the other hand, mass spectrometry, particularly liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), provides high sensitivity and specificity, making it ideal for quantitative analysis of androsterone levels, especially in research or clinical settings demanding accuracy.

Sample Types Used for Testing

Various sample types can be utilized for androsterone testing, each with its own set of advantages and limitations. 

Blood samples are commonly used due to their direct measurement of circulating hormone levels, offering a snapshot of hormonal status at a given moment. However, blood testing may be invasive and subject to fluctuations influenced by factors such as diurnal variation and stress. 

Urine samples, on the other hand, allow for the detection of androsterone as a metabolite of testosterone, offering insights into hormone metabolism over time.

For blood samples, a fasting specimen is preferred; practitioners may counsel patients to discontinue hormone therapy for a period of time before taking the test.

Interpretation of Androsterone Test Results

Normal reference ranges for androsterone levels

Normal reference ranges for androsterone levels vary depending on factors such as age, sex, and individual health status.  They may also vary among lab companies.

Typical reference ranges given for serum androsterone are: 

20.0-80.0 ng/dL

These reference ranges serve as benchmarks for clinicians when interpreting androsterone test results, and that individual results should be assessed according to the reference ranges provided by the lab.

Clinical Significance of Elevated Androsterone Levels

Elevated blood levels of androsterone can hold significant clinical implications, serving as a marker of heightened androgen production or dysregulation within the body. 

In females, elevated androsterone levels are often associated with conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), adrenal hyperplasia, or androgen-secreting tumors, contributing to symptoms such as hirsutism, acne, and menstrual irregularities. 

Similarly, in males, elevated androsterone levels may signal disorders such as adrenal tumors or congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), manifesting as symptoms like virilization, precocious puberty, or adrenal insufficiency. 

Elevated levels may also be seen in women with acne with or without hirsuitism.  Hirsute females without acne show normal levels of androsterone. Elevated levels of androsterone may also occur in hyperthyroid patients.  [3.]

Some tests will compare androsterone levels to etiocholanolone levels: a higher androsterone level demonstrates an individual’s biochemical preference for the 5-alpha metabolic pathway.  

It is important to note that not all patients with high androsterone will present with symptoms, especially men.

Monitoring and interpreting elevated androsterone levels alongside clinical symptoms and other hormonal markers are essential for accurate diagnosis and management of endocrine disorders, guiding personalized treatment strategies and improving patient outcomes.

Clinical Significance of Decreased Androsterone Levels

Decreased androsterone may be seen in patients with adrenal gland dysfunction, adrenal insufficiency, or gonadal failure.  Low levels may also be seen in patients with myxedema and in patients with certain forms of cancer.  [3.]

Strategies to Increase Androsterone Levels

Androsterone falls under the classification of anabolic androgenic steroids as defined by the United States Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act (DASCA); the inclusion of anabolic steroids in dietary supplements is illegal according to this act. 

However, certain lifestyle measures can naturally support robust androgen levels, which would also support healthy androsterone levels.

Lifestyle Factors Influencing Androsterone Production

To naturally increase androsterone levels, individuals can adopt various diet and lifestyle strategies. 

Consuming a balanced diet rich in zinc, vitamin D, and healthy fats can support optimal androgen production. Foods such as shellfish, lean meats, nuts, seeds, and fortified dairy products are excellent sources of these nutrients. 

Regular exercise, particularly strength training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), can also stimulate androgen production. 

Additionally, managing stress levels through relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and adequate sleep can help maintain hormonal balance, including androsterone levels.

Pharmacological Interventions and Hormone Replacement Therapies Targeting Androgen Synthesis or Metabolism

Pharmacological interventions and hormone replacement therapies targeting androgen synthesis or metabolism play a crucial role in managing various endocrine disorders and optimizing hormonal balance. 

For conditions characterized by androgen deficiency, such as hypogonadism or androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), exogenous testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is often prescribed to restore physiological androgen levels. 

In cases of androgen excess, medications such as anti-androgens, including spironolactone or cyproterone acetate, can help suppress androgen activity and alleviate symptoms such as hirsutism or acne. 

Pharmacological agents targeting specific enzymes involved in androgen synthesis, such as 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors or aromatase inhibitors, may also be utilized to modulate androgen metabolism in conditions like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or prostate cancer. 

Tailored pharmacotherapy regimens, guided by thorough clinical assessment and hormonal profiling, are essential for effectively managing androgen-related disorders and improving patients' quality of life.

Androsterone is a type of hormone that falls under the category of androgens, which are often referred to as 'male hormones'. However, it's important to note that both men and women produce this hormone, just in different amounts. Androsterone is made from other hormones in your body, primarily in your liver and adrenal glands. This hormone plays a key role in developing male characteristics during puberty, but it also has other functions. For instance, it can influence your mood, energy levels, and even your immune system. It's also involved in maintaining the health of your skin and bones.
If Your Levels Are High
High levels of androsterone, a hormone produced by both men and women, could indicate a variety of conditions or factors. This hormone, often associated with 'male characteristics', is produced primarily in the liver and adrenal glands. It plays a crucial role in mood regulation, energy levels, immune system function, and the health of skin and bones. Elevated levels could be a result of increased production in the body, possibly due to stress or other external factors. Certain medications, such as those used in hormone therapy, could also lead to increased androsterone levels. Additionally, conditions that affect hormone production, like adrenal gland disorders or liver disease, could potentially cause high androsterone levels. It's important to note that while androsterone is essential for health, an imbalance can have significant effects on the body's overall function.
Symptoms of High Levels
Symptoms of high levels of Androsterone could include mood swings, increased energy levels, changes in skin health, and alterations in bone density.
If Your Levels are Low
Low levels of androsterone, a hormone produced by both men and women, could indicate a variety of issues. This hormone, often associated with 'male characteristics', is produced mainly in the liver and adrenal glands. It's crucial for things like mood, energy, immune system function, and the health of your skin and bones. If your androsterone levels are low, it could mean that your body isn't producing enough of this hormone. This could be due to a problem with your liver or adrenal glands, or it could be a result of certain medications that affect hormone production. For example, some types of steroids can lower androsterone levels. Additionally, conditions like adrenal insufficiency or liver disease could potentially lead to lower levels of this hormone.
Symptoms of Low Levels
Symptoms of low levels of Androsterone could include fatigue, mood changes, decreased energy, weakened immune system, and changes in skin and bone health.
See References

[1.] Adaway J, Miller A, Wu FCW, Keevil B. Reference range data on androsterone glucuronide in healthy male and female volunteers and clinical uses of the assay. Endocrine Abstracts. 2010;21. Accessed February 27, 2024. 

[2.] McEwan IJ, Brinkmann AO. Androgen Physiology: Receptor and Metabolic Disorders. [Updated 2021 Jul 2]. In: Feingold KR, Anawalt B, Blackman MR, et al., editors. Endotext [Internet]. South Dartmouth (MA):, Inc.; 2000-. Available from:

[3.] Quest Diagnostics: Test Directory. Accessed February 27, 2024. 

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